End Kidney Deaths Act Individual Supporters
Dr. Robert Montgomery, MD
Director of the NYU Langone Transplant Institute
Leading Transplant Pioneer (Laparoscopy, XenoTXP, etc.) -
Prof. Janet Radcliffe Richards, PhD
Professor of Practical Philosophy at Oxford University
Dr. Sandip Kapur, MD
Chief of Transplant Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian
Prof. Abigail Marsh, PhD
Psychologist & Neuroscientist at Georgetown
Expert on altruistic donation -
Prof. Al Roth, PhD
Nobel Laureate
Pioneer of Kidney Exchange
Stanford Professor -
Dr. Arthur Matas, MD
Transplant Surgeon & Professor, University of Minnesota
Dr. Sally Satel, MD
Senior Fellow, AEI
Lecturer, Yale School of Medicine
Kidney Recipient -
Dr. John Roberts, MD
Transplant Surgeon & Professor, UCSF
Former President of OPTN/UNOS -
Frederike Ambagtsheer
Principal investigator of organ trafficking research projects at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr. Louise B. Andrew, MD, JD
Emergency Medicine Physician, Juris Doctor, Founder & Principal, MDMentor.com
Dr. Glenn Chertow, MD
Stanford University Professor of Health Policy, Epidemiology and Population Health
Dr. Vaughn Whittaker, MD
Transplant Surgeon, Veterans Bronx Hospital; Harlem Hospital
Marian Charlton, RN, SRN, CCTC
Clinical Manager, Organ Transplant HMHN
Prof. Steven Pinker, PhD
Psychology Professor at Harvard University
Dr. Robert R. Redfield III, MD
Chief, Division of Transplantation
UC Irvine Health -
Dr. Juan Palma-Vargas, MD
Surgeon, Maine Health
Dr. Giuliano Testa, MD, MBA
Chief of Abdominal Transplant at Baylor University Medical Center |
Named Time 100 Most Influential People in the World (2018) -
Dr. Antonio Di Carlo, MD
Transplant Surgeon; Temple University
Dr. Christopher Marsh, MD
Chief of Transplant Surgery, Scripps Clinic
Dr. Anthony Watkins, MD
Transplant Surgeon, USF, Tampa General Hospital
Prof. Steven Levitt, PhD
UChicago Professor,
Best Selling Co-Author of Freakonomics -
Dr. Thomas Peters, MD
Transplant Surgeon Chair - Medical Advisory Board; Transplant Recipients International Organization
Dr. Joshua Lee, MD
Medical Director Transplant at Immucor, Inc.
Dr. Jonathan Fisher, MD
Transplant, Hepatobiliary, and Pancreatic Surgeon at Scripps Clinic Medical Group
Harold Mintz
First living person in America to donate an organ to a stranger
Prof. Kim Krawiec, JD
Law Professor, UVA
Dr. Greg Hess, MD
Kidney Recipient, Physician, Renal Researcher, & Health Economist
Dr. Matt Harmody, MD
Emergency Medicine Physician
Non-Directed Kidney Donor, NKDO Mentor, Advocate -
Dr. Patrick Buddle, MD
Physician Emeritus, Jersey Shore University Medical Center; Kidney Donor
Dr. Nancy J, Auer, MD, FACEP
Transplant Recipient; Fmr. Pres. of the American College of Emergency Physicians & Washington State Medical Assoc.
Dr. Ted Harrison, MD MBA
Living Donor Kidney Recipient; Physician & Medical Researcher
Dr. Jon Friedman, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Transplant Genomics
Dr. Scott Alexander, MD
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Writer, Astral Codex Ten
Dr. Robert Gutman, MD
Retired Professor of Nephrology, Duke University
Dr. Sander Florman, MD
Transplant Surgeon, Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Tiffany Caza, MD
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Nephropathologist at Arkana Laboratories
Dr. Ron Shamaskin MD, DDS
Retired Anesthesiologist
Dr. Greg Warren, DO
Nephrologist, Albemarle Nephrology
Dr. W. Heinrich Wurm, MD
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Assoc. Professor of Anesthesiology, Tufts U Medical School
Dr. Amit Alam, MD
Cardiologist, NYU Langone Hospital
Dr. Michael J. Goldstein, MD
Director, Abdominal Organ Transplantation, Hackensack University Medical Center
Dr. Dirk Slaker, MD
National Medical Director at Optum Health Solutions
Dr. Dan Morhaim, MD
Maryland State Legislator, 1995-2019; George Washington University; thebetterend.com
Dr. Frank McCormick, PhD
Former Director of Economic and Financial Research, Bank of America
Leading Expert on Kidney Donation Economics -
Dr. Philip Held, PhD
Adjunct Lecturer, Stanford School of Medicine
Leading Economist on Kidney Compensation -
Senator John Albers
Directed Kidney Donor; Georgia State Senator
Will Albers
Kidney Recipient
Traci Brislin
Kidney Donor; Chief Judge, Fayette Family Court in Lexington, Kentucky
Dr. Mark H. Hansen, PhD
Non-directed kidney and liver donor; Research Forester (retired)
Dr. T. H. Wyman, PhD
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Senior Scientist, Forensic Genomics
Prof. Avi Dor, PhD
George Washington University Director of Health Economics and Health Policy PhD Programs
Sita Slavov
Public Policy Professor, George Mason University; Nonresident Senior Fellow at AEI.
Alan Viard, PhD
Senior Fellow Emeritus, AEI
Leading Tax Expert
Harvard, PhD -
Karen M Miller, RN, BSN, CCTC
Senior Clinical Transplant Coordinator
Chair, Operating Committee, National Kidney Registry -
Kari Rancourt, RN
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; LD Transplant Coordinator | Hartford
Jessica Coleman RN, CCTC
Living Donor Waitlist Coordinator
Centura Health -
Prof. Luke Semrau, PhD
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Asst. Prof. of Philosophy; Specialization: Moral status of kidney markets
Prof. Nathan B. Oman, JD
Professor & Co-Director, Center for the Study of Law and Markets | William and Mary
Dylan Matthews
Vox Journalist; Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Penny Lane
Independent Filmmaker, Creator of the film “Confessions of a Good Samaritan” about her Nondirected Donation
Prof. Alex Tabarrok, PhD
Chair of Economics Department, George Mason University
Prof. Julia D. Mahoney, JD
UVA Law Professor | Government Finance, Constitutional Law, and Nonprofit Organizations.
Peter Jaworski, PhD
Professor of Ethics Georgetown University McDonough School of Business
Kurt Schuler
Non-Directed Kidney Donor, Economist, Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Jeremiah Johnson
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Political Director for the Center for New Liberalism and co-founder of the Neoliberal Project.
Molly McCarthy
Three time Kidney Recipient
Ike Brannon
Economist and Senior Fellow, Jack Kemp Foundation
Prof. Mario Macis, PhD
Professor of Economics at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Josh Morrison
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; President, One Day Sooner, Founder of Waitlist Zero & the Rikers Debate Project
Glenna Frey
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Co-Founder and Executive Director of Kidney Donor Conversations
Gracyn Lord
Student, Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business
Evan Roden
Youth Coalition for Organ Donation, Biomedical Engineer
Regina Bullock
Kidney Recipient, Educator & Founder of Catalyst for Kidney Care
Stephen Dubner
Freakonomics Radio Host & Author, Journalist
Harvey Mysel
Kidney Recipient; President of the Living Kidney Donor Network
Carol Offen
Directed Kidney Donor; Kidney Donor Help Founder
Trisha Phillips
Directed Kidney Donor; Executive Director of Multicultural Miracle Donor Foundation (MMDF)
Luis Mayen
VP, Partnerships & Business Development - Donor Network West
Prof. Nancy Marlin, Ph.D
Kidney Recipient; Professor and Provost Emerita, San Diego State University
Christine Fiechter
Executive Director of EMS Gives Life
Brian Martindale
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Kidneys for Kids, Executive Director
Brian Darnell
Kidney Donor; Kidney Transplant Coordinator at Arkansas Children's Hospital
Jeramy Davies
Kidney & Bone Marrow Non-Directed Donor; Specialist at Be The Match
Hartmut Fischer
Economic Professor Emeritus at University of San Francisco
Patricia Graham
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Founder of One Kidney Clubs, Nurse, NKDO Mentor
Laurie Dickinson Lee
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; “Donor Diaries” Podcast Host, CEO of Swift Passport Services
Michael Lollo
Non-Directed Donor; NKDO Board Member; Modify NOTA Team Member; Retired NYPD Detective
Sally McCartin
Kidney Donor; Kid-U-Not Living Organ Donor Fund President
Virginia Postrel
Directed Kidney Donor; Political and Cultural Writer
Jen Reeder
Directed Kidney Donor; Founder of Rock 1 Kidney, Journalist
Reed Shafer-Ray
Non-Directed Liver Donor; Founder and CEO, Mountaintop
Aaron Strauss
Non-Directed kidney donor; Columbia University Program Director, Open Labs
Matt Cavanaugh, PhD
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Ran 12 Marathons in 2023; Professor of Practice with Arizona State University
Prof. Mike Davis, PhD
Economics Professor at the Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University
Steve Wilson
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; NKDO mentor; Financial Advisor
Rachel Bennett Steury
Non-directed Kidney Donor, Communications Coordinator, and author of The Real Rachel BS
Mindy Davidson
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; NKF Peer Mentor
Abie Rohrig
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Student at Columbia University
Jackie Hutz
Co-Founder, Team Fishguy Transplant Foundation
Roberta Reed
Mother of a Kidney Patient; Recipient of the NKF 2023 Salick Award for Patient Advocacy
Debi Kahn
Directed Kidney Donor; NKDO Mentor; NKF Walk Chair Member
Beth Vazquez, LMSW
Non-Directed Kidney Donor, Mental Health Clinician at the Institute for Family Health
Cody Marchant
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
David Schwartz, MSW
Spousal Care Partner; Prospective Paired Donor
Julie Kellman
Directed Kidney Donor
Prof. Daniel F. Stone
Economics at Bowdoin College
Kathie Neyman
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Civic Volunteer
Tom O’Driscoll
Non-Directed Kidney and Liver Organ Donor; 10-Time Ironman Finisher
Jim Plante
Kidney Recipient; CEO, Klotho Therapeutics; Founder of Thynk Capital & the Foundation for Kidney Transplant Research
Michele Dabal
Liver Transplant Recipient; Advocate
Jack Parmenter
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Keith McCullough
Directed Kidney Donor; NKDO Mentor
Rob Fox
Directed Kidney Donor; Project Estimator; US Army Veteran
Cynthia Rangel
Program Specialist, Tampa General Hospital Transplant Institute
Julia Clark, PhD
Directed Kidney Donor; Founder of NOMAD Science
Angela Totten
Directed Kidney Donor, Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse
Sarah Benson
Directed Kidney Donor
Rob Gehring
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Founder Fixed Performance Inc
Maureen Tomlin
Non-Directed Donor; NKDO Mentor
Chelsea Barker
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; NKDO Mentor
Brynnan Whaley
Directed Kidney Donor; National Kidney Foundation peer mentor
Thomas Kelly, PhD
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Political Scientist; Co-Founder of Waitlist Zero
Orlando Torres
Kidney Recipient; Renal Coach
Jonathan Haydak
Kidney Recipient; PhD Student, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Andrea Coleman
Directed Kidney Donor
Mark Scotch
Non-Directed Kidney & Liver Donor; Founder of The Organ Trail & A Kidney Donation Journey
Brian Temple
Kidney Recipient; Knowledge Management Program Manager at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Chris Sullivan
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Sales Leader/ Executive Sales Coach; Vice President Kidney Donor Athletes
Megan Sherod
Directed Kidney Donor; Advocate; Health Educator
Bill & Helen Mills
Kidney Recipients; Leaders of Saddleback Kidney Support Group
Suzanne Verge
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; NKDO mentor
Lisa Lombardini Shenette
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Danel Kuhlmann
Directed Kidney Donor; Non-Directed Liver Donor
Douglas LeGear
Dialysis Patient Awaiting a Transplant; Painter, Golfer
Bruce Hanley
Non-Directed Living Kidney Donor; NKDO Mentor
Ava Kaufman
Heart Recipient; Founder & Executive Director of Ava's Heart
Victoria Threadgould
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; NKDO mentor
Jeff Byron
Non-Directed Donor; Angel Investor
Sravan Bhamidipati
Advocate; Software Engineer
Richard McGonnigal
Advocate and Entrepreneur
Ryan W. Cragun
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Douglas Penrod
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Kidney Transplant Coordinator; Registered Nurse
Betsy & Peter Snow
Non-Directed Kidney Donors; World Travelers
Nancy Dickinson
Transplant Village; Wife of a Liver Recipient and Mother of a Non-Directed Kidney Donor
John Dickinson
Liver Recipient; Chairman of Transplant Village
Winston Sale
Directed Kidney Donor; Federal Banking Regulator
Vadrien Alston
Kidney Recipient
Sophia Jackson
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Rep. Manny Rutinel
Colorado State Representative; Attorney
David Krissman
Creator of “The Great Social Experiment” and “Another Chance”
James Montavon
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Epidemiologist
Angela Miskolci
Living donor kidney coordinator, RN
Tom Duncan
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Hilary Baude Steinour
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Completed 10 Marathons & two Ironman Competitions in 2023
Mark McIntosh
Kidney Recipient, Managing Editor of Drive for Five Network
Angela Gaskell
Kidney Recipient
Sharron Rouse
Kidney Recipient; Founder of Kindness for Kidneys International, Inc.
Shai Robkin
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Russell Powell
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Catherine Hess
Sister of living kidney recipient; Former Exec. Dir. Assoc. of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Pastor Nick Gentile
Kidney & Liver donor; Founder of Compassion Match
James Stacey Taylor
Associate Professor of Philosophy at The College of New Jersey
Jeff Blumenfeld
Kidney recipient; Colorado General Assembly Kidney Disease Prevention and Education Task Force
Molly Gerken Ruane
Nurse Practioner; Mother of a recipient; Wife of a donor; Secretary, Kidneys for Kids
Hannah Radacz
RN, BSN, CEO; Malachi’s Miracle Foundation, Inc.
Ellis Mirsky
Kidney Recipient; Attorney; Board, National Kidney Donation Organization & The NY Bar Foundation
Michael Brown
Living Kidney Donation Advocate; Retired Food Executive
Armand Halter
Kidney Transplant Recipient; National Kidney Foundation, Advocate & Peers Program Mentor
Gitika Gorthi
Founder of Columbia University's Kidney Disease & Screening Awareness Program Chapter; Columbia University Student
Robin Stevens
Dialysis Patient Awaiting a Transplant
Karen Lavette Cooper
Awaiting a Kidney Transplant; Kaiser University Social Worker
Nicole Hinchey
Kidney Donor at SHARP Memorial Hospital
Emily Polet-Monterosso
Kidney Donor; Volunteer Coordinator, NKDO; Kidney Donor Athletes Board of Directors
Barb Lundberg
Kidney Recipient
James “Uncle Jim” Myers
Kidney Recipient
Lynn Bolduc, RD
Non-Directed Kidney and Liver Donor
Teri Thede
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Vice President, National Kidney Donation Organization
Donald Moy (Recipient) and Christopher Tormey (Donor)
Maureen McDonald
Living Donor Kidney Recipient
Glenda Weygant
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; President - MBA of SWFL
Donna Tissot
Kidney Advocate
Cortnee Agan-Trujillo
Directed kidney donor; advocate; paramedic
Jodi Elliott
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Robert Goldfarb
Non-Directed Kidney Donor, CPA Rape Crisis Counselor
S. Dana Seccombe
Author - Kidneys For All; Partner of Dialysis Patient; Former Senior VP, Hewlett Packard
Mary T. Dawson
Kidney Recipient
Scy Yoon
Niece of a Kidney Patient; Painter
Martinez Majors Jr.
Information Technology & Services Professional; Dialysis Patient awaiting a kidney transplant
Adder Oaks
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Teacher
Stan Rose, PhD
Kidney transplant recipient; CEO, Rose Ventures; Life sciences serial entrepreneur, board member, author
Jason LeBlanc
Non-Directed Kidney Donor
Tiffiny Mitchell
Non-Directed kidney donor; Former Oregon State Representative
Keith Plummer
Kidney Recipient and advocate for several kidney organizations
Lorrinda Gray-Davis
Liver Recipient; President of Transplant Recipients International Org; Co-lead of the Honor the Gift Coalition
Bill Barthen
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Wisconsin National Guard Supervisory Supply Specialist
Lindsay Gutierrez
Non-directed liver and kidney donor; Veteran; Ms. Veteran America; Ms. Achievement USA; Social Worker
Sarah Kamaras
Directed Kidney Donor; Freelance Producer / Director
D. Ward Kallstrom
Kidney Recipient; Attorney
Emily Wise
Non-Directed Kidney Donor; Elementary School Teacher; NKDO Mentor
Steve Cicci
Kidney patient in need of a kidney
Grant Bille
Pharmacist and Kidney Donation Advocate
Michelle Hughes
Kidney Donor for Michelle’s Son
Shannon Mulroy
Nondirected Kidney Donor; Mother of a Kidney Recipient; Advocate at "Kidney Solutions"
Grey Gorman
Non-Directed Kidney and Liver Lobe Donor; Community Advocate and Educator
Rebecca Greller
Kidney Donor & Early Education Enthusiast
Jesse Gitter
Nondirected donor
Theresa Degard
Mother of Kidney Patient in Need of Kidney.
Jessica Gines
Advocate for Living Kidney Donation
Bill Soloway
Heart Recipient; Dir. of the Masonic Blood + Organ Donor Prog., Grand Lodge of PA; Pres. of Transplant Recipients Internat'l Org., Phila. Chapter
Shawn Maldon
Kidney recipient; Former Mayor in MD; CEO of Maldon Language Interpreters; Founder of The Maldon Foundation
Valerie Parriett,
Directed Kidney Donor; Founder, One Kidney Club Las Vegas
David Varacchi
Directed Kidney Donor
Erik & Marty Lostrom
Erik is a kidney recipient, and Marty is Erik's wife.
Wilson Du
Kidney Recipient & Advocate, Health Coach specializing in Kidney Patients
Brian Tiell
Creative Director Next Step Next One Campaign
James Urtel
Kidney Recipient; Transplant Advocate
Jennifer Campbell
Prospective Non-directed Donor; Advocate for Saving Lives
Prof. Ryan McDevitt, PhD
Economics Professor, Duke University; Expert on Health Economics & Dialysis
Theron Hayes
Non-Directed kidney donor
Additional Supporters:
Greg Nicholson, Brian Abbott, Priscilla Adam, Macie Adams, Cortnee Agan-Trujillo, Atul Agnihotri, Kelsey Alexander, Sana Ali, Geri Amacher, Myrna Amavisca, Molly Amell, Courtney Andrews, Federico Aquino, Julie Arguez, Hailey Astor, Nancy Auer, Daniel Avery, Moya-Lyn Bahadosingh, Mary Baliker, Sandy Bandier, Hannah Bannon, tiffany Barnes-Mayfield, Andrew Baruch, Krista Batchelder, Victoria Bates, Miranda Baumgartner, Catherine Bean, Thomas Beard, Kevin Beck, Teresa Beckerman, Jennie Bedel, Kathy Beeman, J. Vivian Belenky, Glenda Bennice, Benjamin Benlulu, Joshua Bentler, Jonathan Berek, Matthew Bergey, Lauren Berns, Len Bernstein, Rebecca Bertha, Grant Bille, Alex Black, Willie Blackwell, Alexandra Blasgen, Melissa Blethen, Mandy Blevins, John Bodak, paul Bochicchio, Connie Bolle, alexandra Borowiecki, Rhonda Bravick, Joseph Breslin, Jeff Bricker, Jamie Broff, Justin Browning, Irena Bucci, Mark Buckland, Mary Budzik, Toni Bueti, Brandee Burdette, Jennifer Burnett, Curtis Calloway, Jennifer Campbell, Catherine Campbell, Douglas Cantrell, Linda Carlson, Ruxandra Carp, Terra Carter, Kathleen Caruso, Charles Caruso 3rd, Elena Castricone, Erika Castro, Tracy Cavender, Jane Cerilli, Richard Charca, Melvin Cherry, Robin Cheung, Jon Christensen, Kevin Chrzan, Darlene Ciampa, Stephen cicci, Heather Cisneros, Victoria Clark, Wendy Clark, Lenny Clark, Julia Clark, John Clouston, reah Koebel, Frans Coetzee, Erica Coffey, Abbey Collins, Marilyn Collins, Jim Collins, Nickey Colson, Mary Conneen, Vanessa Connolly, Sarah Constantin, Prism Coolidge, karen Cooper Baker, Desiree-Ann Cordeiro, Gianna Costa, Ryan Cragun, Taylor Cramer, Amanda Crunk Maggie d'Allemand, Michele Dabal, Joann Dacunha, Bob Dalley, Craig Daniel, Renee Daniliuk, Doreen Danza, Virginia Daquil, Maggie Dart-Padover, Michael Davis, Keaton Dealy, Amber Degard, veronica De Leon, Kristina Derfuss, Sam Dey, Sylvia Dion, Teresa Djedjro, Eileen Doherty, Jenna Douglas, Chris Dunn, Peggy E Davis, sylvia Dion, Debbie Dollar, Kristin Ducker, Stacy Duke, Catherine Earley, Bright Edobor, Annie Eggold, leah Eliopoulos, Caroline Elliott, Jodi Elliott, Mark Elliott, Lisa Emmott, Steve Erickson, Austyn Evans, Tom Evans, Anna Everett, James Fabin, Ginger Farias, Rosie Farrell, Trent Fehl, Julie Feinberg, Karen Fenton, Christine Fiechter, Michael Fields, Susan Finelli, Spencer Finkel, Stephanie Finley, Robert Fisher, Jeanne Fleming, Susan Flood, Aria Fodness, Beth Ann Foeppel, Irving ford, Lou Ford, Robert Fox, Barbara Francis, Erica Frank, Matt Freund, Margaret Freund, Hersh Friedman, Menachem Friedman, Jesse Gainsburg, Sindy Gamez, Emma Garcia de Paredes, Heather Gardiner, Annabelle Gary, Lisa Gatone, Michael George, Wendy Gerken, Jodi Gill, Staci Gillis, Jessica Gines, Jessica Gitter, Gail Glass, Karyn Glover, jenny Godnick, Dr. Michael Goldstein, Arza Goldstein, Michele Gonzalez, Robert Goldfarb, Gitika Gorthi, Sheri Gould, Michael Graf, Marti Greenberg, David Greene, Antonio Green, Deborah Greenlee, Ralph Greenwell, Lynn Griffin, cindy Griffis, Gregg Guernsey, Annie Guerrero, Barbara Guido, Stefania Gullans, Steven Gullans, Deb Gustafson, Olabisi Gwamna, William Haley, Kenneth Hamilton, Ian Hamilton, Cheryl Hampton, Janet Handal, susan Hankinson, Bruce Hanson, Kaleen Hanson, Kyle Hardgrave, Keith Hardy, Jason Harner, Morgan Harpster, Clare Harrington, Glenn Harrison, Bernell Harvey Jr, Randy Hatfield, John Hatfield, Amy Haupert, Maria Hawronsky, Karen Hayles, Philip Held, Mark Hellberg, Stephanie Henry, Ivelysse Hernandez, julia hess, Paul Hess, Ryan Hirsch, Catherine Hitchcock, Toni Ann Hodge, Michelle Honey, Jeremy Horpedahl, Clayton Hopkins, Connie Howard, Gerald Hughes, McKenzie Hull, Ann-Marie Hulstine, Roddy Hyduk, Anthony Iacono, Jamie Imhof, John Jacobs, Katresa Jacobs, Maggie Jacobs, Thomas Jasinski, John Jeffcott, Mark Johnson, Erica Julian, Elizabeth Kabalka, Ari Kalton, Philip Kamaras, andrew Kaczka, Karl Keefer, Julie Kellman, Sherry Kernan, justin king, Stephanie Kish, Harry Klaristenfeld, Martha Klinedinst, Michelle Klingfus, Rex Kneese, Jennifer Knowles, Courtney Kohler, Emily Kohring, Jason Kolos, Gary Krause, Taiylor Kriss, denise kyle, Patricia Kyte, Ryan LaGross, Suchita Lal, Joan Lamayo-Buse, Michael Lane, Jane Lanham, Olivia Larsen, Donald Larson, Les Le Gear, Troy Lebiecki, Jason LeBlanc, Cali Lebrija, Susan Lee, Ernie LeGear, Scott Leibrand, Shelly Lenn, Nancy Levy, Megan Linch, Lucy Liu, Maeghan Lollo, Diantha Lopes, Elizabeth Lopez Kirokiro, gracyn lord, John Lucas, Andrea Lum, Barb Lundberg, Hazel Lynam, Angelo Maddaloni, Nancy Madison, Dr. Jack Madowitz MD, Martinez Majors, Senior, Shari Manthei, Denise Mara, Cody Marchant, Rachel Margolies, Allison Marietta, Robin Marsh, Amy Martin, Kent Martin, Yomari Matos-Torres, Nadine Matthews Blair, Amanda Matting, Jennifer Maurer, Victoria Maurizio, Christopher mauro, Camille Mazurek, Christiana McCabe, Kelly McGee, Seika McCroskey, Rebecca McCune, Veronica McDade, maureen mcdonald, Colin McGlynn, Tina McNabb, Duval Medley, Angelina Medo, Allison Mehlman, Aimee Mendoza, Robin Messing, Katherine Meyer, Megan Miller, Karen Miller, Stacey Mills, Kristine Minty, Leila Mirhaydari, Terry Mirt, Jerry Mitchell, Tiffiny Mitchell, Julia Mitzel, chris moffa, Steve Moskowit, Shawn Moss, Tim Mullin, Brady Mullis, Chris Murphy, Michael Murphy, Michael Nahas, Ann Nash, Liza Nash, Kenneth Neher, Kelly Nelson, Chris Newton, Kathie Neyman, Kristine Nill-Snow, Yakov Nisenbaum, Kristyn Nordfors, Benjamin Norris, Tim O'Shaughnessy, Kathleen Oliphant, Lauren Page, Rebecca Palmer, Allan Pangburn, Jack Parmenter, Valerie Parriett, Kathy Pauly, Alaina Peay, austin pena, Maria Peralta, rafael Paulino, Jeanette perez, Jace Perrodin, Ana Pinzon, dawn piwmo, Daneen Plis, Katherine Pluck, Amy Poe, Elizabeth Pollock, Quincy Ponvert, Jenesia Porter, Hannah Pozner, David Pray, Laurie Price, Crystal Puckett, Natalie Puente, Hannah Radacz, Kimberly Rakowitz, Brianna Flores Ramos, Cynthia Rangel, Miles Raymer, Hillary Rettig, Victoria Rhodes, Charles Rice, Denay Richards, Antoinette Ridgway, Cassidy Riley, Kaydi Roberts, Rachel Robinson, Jessi Rochel, Sheldon Roesch, Monique Romero, Ruby Rorty, Stanley Rose, Rachel Rowland, Shelley Salamensky, David Salamon, Ivan Sales, Lisa Salgat, David Salomon, Aurora Samar, Colleen Sanders, Maria Santiago, Laurence, Saul, Sarah Saul, Paul Savuto, Katherine Schiff-Welsh, Daryl Schroeder, christina Schultz, Dave Schulz, David Schwartz, Alan Schwartz, Joseph Sciortino, Rebecca Sealfon, Jeff Severts, Elisa Sgobbo, David Shabtai, Ankit Sharma, Nathaniel Sharpe, Christin Sheffield, Lauren Sheppard, Stuart schonberger, Julie Sibley, Leif Sigerson, carolyn silver, Gary Simmons, Jacquelene Sisco, nick Sivret, Katherine Skoff, Michelle Slater, Taryn Smethers, Carla Smith, Chad Smith, Rupa Somavarapu, Prabhakar Somavarapu, Jim Spady, Ann Sperry, Josephine Spinelli, Patrick Spoutz, Beth Stahl, Chica and Jason Stein, Lauren Stella, Alicia Steudle, amy Stiefel, Marla Stihler, Sherry Stocker, Jennifer Stoddard, Logan Stokols, Healther Storm, Lester Stover, Virginia Stymus, heidi Summers, Jenn Summitt, Renell Sullivan, Christina Swieda, Dave Switzer, Mary Jo Taira, Tracey Talley, Geoffrey Tang, George Taniwaki, Abigail Thomas, Stephanie Thompson, Emily Tian, Matthew Tiede, Bruce Tippets, Donna Tissot, Henrik Toft Sorensen, Susan Toner, Christopher Tormey, William Torpey, Kathleen Trapp, Lynda Train, Jonathan Treed, Mary Trimble, Michelle Trolinger, Melissa Tuff, Jerod Tufte, steve Tupa, Stasiu Tyburski, Jackie Valencia, Jessica valencia, Allan Vargas, Julia Vasquez, Eli Vendley, Sue Venteicher, Denise Vinton, Mark Vishnepolsky, janet walker, Daryl Vogan, William Vogt, Lisa VonBargen, Matthew Vraspir, Eileen Wade, Kirsha Wallace, Karyn Waxman, William Webb, Ellen Weis, Anna Weinstein, Michael Weinstein, jillian Werb, glenda Weygant, Brynnan Whaley, diane white, Dr. Greg Whitman, MD, David Wihl, Catharine Williams, Janice Williams, kimberly Williams, Tywhanda Mcdaniel, Lloyd Withers, Jennifer Wood, Jim Wood, Gail Wolfe, Hannah Woolf, W Heinrich Wurm, Shannon Wyatt, Sarah Yoon, Chloe Lyn Zalenski, Lisa Zegarelii, Gregory Zollner, Scott Leibrand